For your convenience, we now accept credit card payments online for previously established client accounts. If you are a new client without a previously established account, please call us or stop by the office to make an advance fee deposit.
If you are currently a Law Office of Amanda J. Cook, PLLC client, or if you are paying a bill on behalf of a currently established client, please click on the link below to be directed to Law Pay, our secure credit card processor.
Click Here to Make A Payment
NOTE: Making a payment through this webpage will not create an attorney-client relationship and will not obligate the law firm to provide advice or services for an individual with whom it does not already have a written legal services agreement.
To make the payment, you will need the account number from your monthly billing statement. The required six-digit account number (formatted xxxx.xx) is found near the top of the first page of your billing statement, under the date and statement number.